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Trainings, Consulting and Lean Tools Implementation  

Telos Personnel Training
Leadership Training

Leadership Training

Excellent companies invest in their leadership as well as the following generation. They win from a clear decision-making competency, a motivating work environment and energy that serves all to reliably reach their goals.

What are the advantages of optimal leadership?

We create new perspectives ...


... the enormous diversity of the challenges companies are facing today (the actual continous crisis has shown an impressive collection) needs an adequate diversity of training approaches.


Every company has its own characteristics, its history and environment, every group and department its own face. We have addressed this concern from the very beginning. So in addition to the fundamental training for executive managers we offer a range of training modules, that include leadership varying from the middle management to business management facing recent challenges and that are exactly composed to meet the demand of our costumers


The ideal concept evolves from elaborate preliminary talks and arrangements of goals. We accompany and evaluate the success of all trainings. 

Other Services:
Telos Personaltraining 
is a member of INCOSE
(International Council on Systems Engineering)
Contact Information
Telos Personnel Training
Franckstrasse, 28
8010 Graz / Austria
T: (011) +43 316 816505
F: (011) +43 316 836100
E-mail: touchdown(at)
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