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Trainings, Consulting and Lean Tools Implementation  

Telos Personnel Training
Clients of Telos Personnel Training


Alcatel GmbH.

Alfred Wall AG

AVL List GmbH.

Borckenstein & Sohn AG


KAPO / Wiener Werkstätten

Johnson Controls GmbH.

KNP Leykam

Minolta Austria Ges.m.b.H.

Northland Ges.m.b.H.

Orenstein & Koppel Ges.m.b.H.

Post AG Mail

Pewag Austria GmbH.


Rosendahl US

Sattler Textilwerke AG

Sporthotel Royer

Steigenberger Hotels

Die Steiermärkische Bank und

Sparkassen AG

UTG Universaltechnik-Maier


Binder und Co


Pankl Racing

Pankl Aerospace US

FACC Aviation Engineering




Neckermann AG

Hyperwave Software

Capital Bank

Farben Welt Graz


Our Trainers
The Group
Simplify you work
The Group
John with the company's team
Team building Activity

"John is a highly motivated and professional individual. He is an excellent coach and team builder for all levels of the organization. John is a practitioner of the lean concepts and tools. Specifically, he is qualified to train employees and conduct train-the-trainer workshops in Value Stream Mapping and implementation of the Toyota Toolbox Measures. 


He facilitates managers, team leaders and employees in the shop floor environment to move towards top class achievement. He functions as an "interpreter" for styles and company cultures. I would highly recommend John Adler for any training and consulting opportunity for companies seeking a successful program and positive change in people, processes and procedures." 


Brad Wyrick, President, Wyrick Enterprises, Inc. Lean and Six Sigma Integration Specialists



"John is an expert in the area of corporate training and professional development. He is intelligent, flexible, detail oriented, and persistant. His experience and advice helped me to grow personally and professionally. I highly recommend John for your next personnel training or executive retreat."


Malcolm Duerod, Senior Teaching Assistant at International Burch University


Telos Personaltraining 
is a member of INCOSE
(International Council on Systems Engineering)
Contact Information
Telos Personnel Training
Franckstrasse, 28
8010 Graz / Austria
T: (011) +43 316 816505
F: (011) +43 316 836100
E-mail: touchdown(at)
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